Our Mission: Forming and Growing Disciples.
Cedar Lane is a community of people following Jesus together. Here are some of the core ways we think about who we are:
We are a community of people who Follow Jesus. Jesus is the center of our identity as a church. As disciples, we follow Jesus as he teaches us the way of the cross.
We are a community of people who Receive Grace. In Jesus, We trust that God forgives us, and rely on God’s Grace. We give up pretension, and freely confess our faults. By Grace we are created, by grace we are saved, and by grace we are recreated in Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit.
We are a community of people who Seek Growth. We share spiritual practices like worship and prayer that help us connect with God. We value the Word of God, and study to see who god is and what God wants. We share wisdom with each other, and help each other grow towards mature lives. We know we all have more growing to do.
We are a community of people who Love People. Church is a family of people we belong to and love, not a ritual we attend. We don’t always think alike, but we listen to and respect each other. We look for opportunities to serve, and treat each other and our neighbors with dignity. We show hospitality freely.
We are a community of people who Share Jesus. We care about our community. We serve our most vulnerable neighbors. We share the good news of Jesus with our neighbors. We witness to Jesus with words, service, and love.